Nov. 7, 2022

🍍 Change your commute, transform your day

🍍 Change your commute, transform your day

Dylan Beaumont is a general manager at a hotel in Eugene, Oregon. I’ve followed him for a while on social media, and recently had the chance to speak with him about how he thinks about providing exceptional hospitality.

In his view, great hospitality is rooted in taking the time to interact with guests, listen to them, and influence their day.

Sounds great, right?

But I wanted to know more and asked him what gets in the way of providing hospitality like this.

“It could be anything going on in your life that you bring into work that day. You need to be able to let go of that. If you bring those concerns in, it's going to impact your guest interactions.”

For Dylan, his commute to work is a key time to be able to do this.

Listen to how he designs his commute and morning routine to set the right tone in today’s episode.

Then do yourself a favor and follow Dylan on LinkedIn here.

What does your morning routine look like?

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