Sept. 29, 2023

The "Concierge Hotel": How We Personalize Experiences - Amy Smith and Kathleen Smith, Saratoga Arms Hotel


The role of the concierge represents many of the best parts of hospitality - but what would happen if the entire hotel staff acted as one? Today we're learning from the owners of a property they call a "concierge hotel" - Kathleen Smith and Amy Smith - about why they operate the Saratoga Arms Hotel this way and what it allows them to do.

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This episode is brought to you with support from Cloudbeds and their Global Hotelier Conference, Passport. Created for independently-minded hoteliers, this event will explore today’s top hospitality trends, best practices for running a modern lodging business, and personal stories from hoteliers who are driving this industry forward. Register to join in on October 10, 2023:

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