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Nov. 4, 2023

Never Stop Learning - Fernando Vives, NH Hotel Group

Never Stop Learning - Fernando Vives, NH Hotel Group

Fernando Vives is the Chief Commercial Officer of NH Hotel Group, and one of the biggest takeaways I had from our conversation is the need to never stop learning. In this episode, you'll learn why he encourages us to live with a learner's mindset and stay curious to succeed in hospitality today.

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This episode is brought to you with support from Sojern. Finding and appealing to travelers online means getting to know them, and that's why first-party data - the information you have about your guests - is so important to providing hospitality today. I teamed up with Sojern to study how hoteliers are using this data to drive revenue and build stronger guest relationships, and you can see what we found in this research report: How Hotel Brands Are Using First-Party Data to Drive Revenue & Build Stronger.