VP Hospitality Operations
Laura Sherman, Vice President for Guest Services. Has worked with Guest Services from 2010- 2013 overseeing four Orlando resort properties totaling over 800 units combined. Properties included Encantada, Regal Oaks, Paradise Palms and Lighthouse Key. From 2013-2017 had direct oversight over the operations management of Encantada and Regal Oaks for Club La Costa.
In 2017, returned to Guest Services as Vice President of the Hospitality Division overseeing the condominium division of 17 properties located in Orlando, Naples and Annapolis markets and our Lodging Division which includes, State parks , National Parks, hotels and lodges such as Mt rainier, Big Sur, Lake Roosevelt, Everglades National Park , Lodge at Wakulla Springs, Lodge at Breckenridge to name a few
Prior to Guest Services, spent 22 years with Doubletree Hotels as General Manager in Orlando, Boca Raton, Atlanta and several other cities serving as General Manager in Orlando, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Boca Raton and Baltimore.
Community Association Management (Florida)\
Central Florida Hotel and Lodging Association for 17 years – Executive Committee
Rotary International Past President and Assistant Governor
Skal Member Orlando and Southwest Florida
Florida Attractions Association Board of Directors