Sept. 30, 2023

How I Stay Creative And Fight Burnout - Margaret Lefton, Yours Truly Hotel

How I Stay Creative And Fight Burnout - Margaret Lefton, Yours Truly Hotel

Are you listening to this exhausted, burned-out, and wondering how to best recharge?
In this episode, you'll hear from Margaret Lefton, Creative Director at Yours Truly, a hotel in Washington, DC, about how she's been thinking about this and what she's found useful for staying energized and creative.

Join in the conversation on this episode on the Hospitality Daily LinkedIn page here.

This episode is brought to you with support from Cloudbeds and their Global Hotelier Conference, Passport. Created for independently-minded hoteliers, this event will explore today’s top hospitality trends, best practices for running a modern lodging business, and personal stories from hoteliers who are driving this industry forward. Register to join in on October 10, 2023:

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